Adult Baseball
This league was created to provide for adults 18 years old and over an alternative to softball and enable us to play the game we all grew up playing. Adult attitudes must always prevail, no matter how competitive any league is. The responsibility that this ethic sustains will remain at the responsibility of the Commissioner and his officers, and anyone who abuses the league’s code can be suspended or expelled from the league.
League Government – The operation of the league is handled by the PABSC Board of Directors in conjunction with the league Commissioner. The Commissioner and Coaches will assure that the spirit and letter of the league rules are being followed. The League Commissioner will oversee budgeting, scheduling, and promoting the league. The Treasurer will oversee paying league bills and reporting status of league balance at the end of each month. League decisions that are put up for vote will be made only by PABSC Board of Directors at league meetings. Voting results are implemented based on majority.
Coaches Meetings – At least one representative from each team in the league is required to attend each league meeting.
Player Fees – Each player on a team’s 12-Man Roster will pay league fees determined by the PABSC Board of Directors. Additional fees will be incurred by the player as requested by the team’s coach.
Players should not be allowed to play until the league fees are paid in full or have an approved payment plan with PABSC.
Players who are added to the initial roster after Opening Day will be required to pay league fees at a prorated rate, based on the first game they play, and the remaining number of games left on the team’s league schedule.
Any field which is comprised of an artificial surface and the owner of that facility require artificial (Turf Shoes) or athletic shoes or plastic cleats will take priority. If using a portable pitching mound only plastic cleats or tennis shoes can be used.
All batters and runners must wear helmets for both at-bats and on base. There is no exception to this rule. Full double-ear flap helmets are required for at bats and base running. Jaw guard helmets are suggested but not required.
Catchers must wear a NOCSAE approved helmet.
First base coaches and third base coaches are encouraged to wear batting helmets to reduce the risk of injury but are not required.
All teams will use baseballs provided by PABSC. Each home team should bring a minimum of 3 new balls to each game. Additional baseballs (previously used league baseballs, or other brand) may be used (upon agreement of both coaches) during a game in which the maximum number of league balls has been used up.
Standard wood bats and wood composites are permitted for the regular season. Bats must have a diameter of no greater than 2.75 inches and a weight differential no greater than -3 to be used in a PABSC league game or affiliated tournament game.
If a player is caught using an illegal bat, during the at-bat before the first pitch is thrown: The team must remove the bat from the game: the batter will need to find a legal bat to use during the at-bat. After a pitch is thrown: The player will be ruled out and no base runners will advance. The pitcher will be awarded a strikeout. The bat will be removed from play.
All single games are 7 innings. No time limit may be invoked for weekend games. All weeknight games will begin between 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM. with the agreement between coaches and umpires, some weeknight games may start as soon as 5:00 PM. All weekend games will begin between 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM. With the agreement between coaches and umpires, some weekend games may start as soon as 10:00 AM.
No new innings are permitted after 9:45 PM and game play must be suspended before 10 PM.
All double headers are 7 innings each.
When more than 1 game is played by 2 separate sets of teams at the same location on the same day and the first game requires extra innings - if the game goes through 7 complete innings still tied, the next inning (and all subsequent innings) will require the last batter from the previous inning to start the inning at second base. This will hopefully allow for the game to speed up.
All playoff games will be 7 innings each, single elimination with the following exception: The final championship game will be 9 innings. All league playoff games must be played to completion
Games may be ruled completed due to darkness/rain. Re: darkness - 7 innings complete at umpires’ discretion; Re: rain - 5 innings complete at umpires’ discretion.
The umpire may suspend or call a game if, in their opinion, the safety of the players is compromised due to rain, darkness.
Field Dimensions
Pitching Mound 60 feet.
Bases 90 feet.
Two Umpires- one plate umpire and one field umpire.
If for some reason an umpire does not show, the coaches may mutually pick a spectator to call the game in order to play as scheduled. The league commissioner should be notified of the no show.
If there is a 15-run discrepancy at the end of 5 innings, and the losing team has had an opportunity to bat if they are the home team, the game will be ruled final.
If there is a 20-run discrepancy at the end of 3 innings and the losing team has had an opportunity to bat if they are the home team, the game will be ruled final.
Run rules will be in effect for playoff games.
Two hours prior to the start of a game, the field coach/ ground crew determines the status of a field.
Once a game is started, rainout decision will be made by the umpires.
Any games rained out will be re-scheduled (if possible) by the league. All make-up games will be played on Thursdays or Sundays at the league’s discretion. Other days/nights may be utilized for make-ups only at the discretion of both teams involved. Rain out games will be made up, if possible, in order of cancellations.
In the case of games late in the season (and cannot be made up later) that get rained out while the visiting team is batting in an inning past the fifth inning – if the home team does not get a chance to bat, then the score will revert to what it was at the end of the last complete inning (whether the visiting team took the lead or not in the rained out inning). So, any runs that scored during the top half of the rained out inning will not be counted in the final score as the home team did not get a chance to bat.
Note: This is only in the case when coaches have been notified ahead of time late in the season that games cannot be made up.
Tie games can be played to completion at a later date (but is not required), with the agreement of both teams and league notification. Note: Coordination with League Commissioner will also be a factor in making up tie games.
Final league standings in each division will be determined by overall won/lost percentage. Ties will be decided by divisional record, head-to-head results, then scoring differential.
Playoff seeding will be based on overall won/lost percentage. Ties will be decided by divisional won/lost percentage, head-to-head results, then scoring differential.
Full Rules Available at this link ---> Link